Performance of 3rd year Nursing student in the Skills Laboratory of Dr. Yanga's Colleges Inc:An Assessment

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Assesment of the performance of the 3rd year nursing students 
The study is about the assessment of the performance of 3rd year nursing students in skills laboratory of Dr. Yanga's Colleges Inc. the researchers used the Theorotical Framework of Dr. Patricia Benner which is the Dreyfus Model of skill acquisition. Descriptive method was the designed used to depict what existing nursing care condition that is essential for the study. The 3rd year nursing student are the respondents of the study that was enrolled in the school year 2010-2011. it was fully determined through the use of Likert scale ,an instrument to gauge the compliance of the students in terms of their Profile,Knowldege,Skills,Attitudesand the quality and quantity of equipment distributed through questionnaireswith five numbers for them to determine their problems in performing nursing skills . Random sampling method was used because it gives the students an equal chance to be selected. We used Frequency, Percentage, Weighted Mean, Pearson r, T test and Standard deviation as statistical treatment. Based on the data we gathered , most of the respondents are female, single and falls on the age bracket of 18-21 years old. The performance of 3rd year nursing students is mostly affected by their attitude which ranked 1st according to the survey , seconded ny Knowledge and followed by Skills. In terms of the quantity and quality of the nursing equipment in the skills laboratory, both have a verbal interpretation of sometimes according to the response of the students.the researchers conclude that there isa a significant relationship between the profile and level of performance of third year nursing students in the skills laboratoryspecifically the age and gender in terms of knowledge, skills, attitude, thus rejecting the null hypothesis that there is no significant relationship between profile and level of performance . However, status doesn't have a significant relationship in the level of performance of third year nursing students. The recommendation for Knowledge, continue studying the given lectures and listen to your professors.Read different books to gain more knowledge and more ideas on a particular topic. Know all the rationale behind every procedure and different functions of equipment for effective performance in return demonstration and to avoid mistakes. For the skills, listen to the clinical instructors for they are the one who teaches and assist us in different kinds of procedures and follow the step by step procedures to perform it confidently and competitively as future nurses. Also practice the procedure before the day of the return demonstration so that you can perform it very well. The institution must also continue the support in financial needs of the nursing department for the betterment of the skills laboratory. Complete laboratory equipment can help the nursing students to become competent and enhance their skills in return demonstrations. And last for the Attitude, attend to lecture discussion and use your time wisely in studying the different lectures beig taught by the professors. Don’t be distracted in different activities both in school and home and accept also the negative feedback in you by making it positive and use it as a learning strategy. 
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