Learning habits of 3rd year nursing students of DYCI

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learning habits 
This study is entitled learning habits of 3 year nursing students of DYCI. The study will enhance the nurses’ attitude as well as the knowledge and skills as a student nurse. Utilizing therefore their knowledge of the holistic approach to patient care is enhanced and dinical competence is achieved. The participants in this study were the 3rd year nursing students of DYCL The total population of the nursing students was approximately 100 students. The 3rd year nursing students have now learned basic knowledge and skills of a nurse. Whenever possible a general procedure for a group of specific procedures has been identified. The purpose of this is to facilitate the students ability to transfer basic principles from one situation to another. We have tried to do this in a way that does not create confusion and that can be followed when practicing the skill. The factors that might affect the study habits of the nursing students are: the peer the nursing students usually spend time with if non-nursing students or nursing students or others; the manner of studying lessons I which a nursing student prefer to study lessons alone and by a group or others; family support if the student nurse receive adequate support, inadequate support or others; regularity of studying lessons if how much time they spent in studying their lessons and the time of the study that is depending on the time available for the nursing students. It is either early in the morning, best before bedtime to midnight or early in the morning. Another issue on this matter is the method of learning they prefer: in which a lecture, discussion or combination of the Iwo mentioned; on how they acquire knowledge it is either by observing, listening or reading; how they rate themselves in terms of academic performance; how they rate their professor, if they have their own study habits and if they like studying nursing. Nurses and patients know) and there is sound research evidence to demonstrate that skilled nursing makes a difference. However, it is difficult to put into words exactly what difference, to what, or how it was done. Part of the paradox is that the more skillful a nurse is in what they do, the less likely will be the observer, or even the patient, to recognize exactly what has been done.
The DYCI nursing students will benefit in this study in the sense those who enrolled will know the study habits in nursing that it will take a theory and practice combined to become a nurse. This study will not only benefit DYCI nursing students as well as other student nurses as they prepare to become registered nurses in the future as they will continue to study and having study habits. It will help them enhance their nursing skills and knowledge, as nursing is a continuous process of learning in which new skills and new ways to improve patient care is being research. 
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