“Effectiveness of Clinical Instructor in Related Learning Experience to develop competency of 3rd year Nursing students of DYCI”

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effectiveness;clinical instructor 
This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of clinical instructor in related learning experience to develop competency of third year nursing student at Dr. Yanga’s Colleges Inc., This study used a non-experimental survey and descriptive correlational design to explore the relationship between clinical teaching behaviors and their influence on students towards learning. This study was also determined the significant difference in the effectiveness of clinical instructor in terms of their civil status, age, number of years as a clinical instructor, educational attainment and their income level.
The respondent’s of this research are twenty selected clinical instructors and twenty selected third year nursing students of Dr. Yanga’s Colleges Inc., College of Nursing. Overall there are forty respondents. The questionnaires were submitted for validation by a group of experts for reviewing and correcting the content of the questionnaires.
To know the effectiveness of Clinical Instructors the researchers used the following formula; the frequency test, weighted mean and standard deviation to reveal if there’s a significant difference in terms of their clinical profile. Majority of the Clinical Instructor respondents are single and has a working experience in the clinical area for five to ten years of their profession.
The results of the study further indicated that there is no significant difference in the effectiveness of Clinical Instructor in relation to the respondent’s profile. On the other hand there was a significant difference between positive behavior and constructive feedback. Overall, the nursing student’s evaluation about the effectiveness of Clinical Instructor revealed satisfying result as the Clinical Instructor are being adhered to be most effective in all aspect of teaching performance. Especially in question number two which indicate that the post- conference provided for discussions and information in addition and to reinforce clinical experience of the students.
In line with all of these, Clinical Instructors are must be approachable, supportive Instructors and enhances students toward their learning. And also encouraged Clinical structor to give positive feedback towards positive attitude of the students. May the concerned parties be able to consistently perform their functions and responsibilities as nurse educators in adherence to the standards of nursing practice. Another recommendation would be to continue to survey the clinical instructors as to their development needs. The health care environment is rapidly changing. In order for the Clinical Instructors to become more effective they should teach the latest treatment techniques, it is necessary for the clinical instructors to keep abreast of new developments in the field. Finally, seminars and other Clinical Instructor development programs are strongly recommended to further improve the performance of nurse educators.
Nurse educators have a responsibility to provide nursing students with clinical instruction that is most effective at facilitating learning. Opportunities to implement teaching behaviors that are most effective should be seized at every possible juncture. Nursing education as an entity must examine curricula and orientation programs for educators that incorporate evidence-based practices for clinical teaching. Educators should endeavor to explore clinical teaching and evaluation practices that will enhance the learning process. These actions will maximize opportunities for nursing students to learn, and therefore to succeed in becoming professional nurses. - 
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