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Socratic Method 
Socratic Method is perceived as the primary learning strategy for cultivating critical thinking skills in social studies subject. It focuses in giving questions not answers. It is a different style of teaching than lecture. On the other hand, social studies help students to make significant connection and be able to apply the knowledge they learn in the real world. In line with it, the researchers want to know if the Socratic Method is an effective teaching strategy in social studies among Grade 6 learners. This research used pure experimental design. Data were obtained through post test and evaluation form. Sixty (60) participants from Grade 6 were selected through random sampling. They were divided into two groups: one for the control group who was not instructed using Socratic Method and the other group was instructed using Socratic Method. The research instrument used to gather data were post-test and Likert Scale. The data collected were interpreted through statistical treatment such as percentage, mean and z-test. And based on the result of the analysis on the level of performance only 6% of the participants got excellent ratings, 53°/a for the above average, 37% were average and 4% got poor in the Control group. On the contrary for the experimental group, 4% of the participants who got excellent, 70%of the participants got above average and 26% got the average as the level of performance. For the feelings of the student in the experimental group who was instructed using Socratic Method, the researchers found out that the learners were challenged to expound their learning’s in Social Studies however, they are not confident with what they know about the topic. In the control group however, they were just assisted by the researchers to explain their knowledge about the topic. It can be seen that the over all mean of the scores of the control group is 6.73 which is lower as compared to the 7.1 of the experimental group. For the significant difference, the result of z-test leads to acceptance of the null hypothesis with a statistical result of -1.22 .against the z-critical value of +1- 1.96. It means that there is no significant difference because as to the rule of z-test for the null hypothesis to be rejected, the z-test result must be greater than the zcritical Value. With this, the research therefore concludes that experimental group achieve higher score on the test than the participants in the control group. However it is not significant because the score of two groups are closely related to each other. With that, the researchers recommend to the next researchers to determine the effect of Socratic Method in teaching with a larger number of learners over a longer period of time. Also, the researchers suggest to find outwhat specific subject the Socratic Method is most applicable and effective. And for the teachers, the researchers recommend the use of the Socratic Methodwith the other strategy for better discussion of the Social Studies. To an educational Institution, researchers recommend that teachers be trained to utilize Socratic Method as an Open-ended inquiry. 
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