Assessment of the Management style of CHIEF Nurses in Selected Hospital in Bulacan

CHS  [ Browse Items ]
Management of hospital services is one of the backbone to which quality care can be given to the patients. This study is conducted to assess the managerial role among the chief nurses of selected hospitals in Bulacan.Result showed that some chief nurses poorly assist in the development irevision of policies, procedures and standrards in her/his unit in about 2%of cases in planning and directing. However, in 10% of cases in directing it was known that di=on't even conduct health education activities in their units. And in controlling, staff ni=urse observe that the chief nurses have 4%unsatisfactory evaluates the performance of the personnel and recommends personnel diciplinary action and promotion.
With this findings, we conclude that some chief nurses in Bulacan still lacks managerial skills especially in duties and functions thats why one of the recommendation is to undergo seminars and further educational training to broaden their perspective as chief nurses in the hospitals. Hopefully after they attend such training they can apply whay they learn so as to improve the quality of care given to thier respective clients. 
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