Compliance to Standards of medication Administration among Staff Nurses in Selected Hospitals in Bulacan

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Our research is entitled "Compliance of Medication Administration among Staff Nurses in Selected Hospitals in Bulacan."
We have chosen this topic for it is one most important duties we have as future nurses, we often see this task as very simple and easy. It maybe is simple and easy but the responsibility and importance of this is so big that a simple mistake a will mean a lot.
It is very important for us to know the importance of medication administration for as future nurses will be responsible for the things we will do to to our patients.
Our research have fortunately showed the compliance to standard of medication among staff nurses in Bulacan is good, meaning most of the staff nurses from the hospitals we have chosen are really following the standards in medication administration. We were able to evaluate the nurses capacity to render quality service to our patients, for a better and safer care.
Our research also shows significant data's and articles that will be helpful to us, serving as guidelines on what are the standards and proper ways to administer medication.
As a future registered nurses, we should always follow standards, in every procedure and duties to be done, most especially in drug administration.  
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