Book-Based Movies; It's Effect to the Literary Appreciation of the Students

Dela Cruz ( Rocel Anne M. et al. )
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61 p.
A lot of popular books are being converted into movies these days. These popular books vary on different genres of literature. The following genres of these books is romance,Horror, Drama, Science-Fiction. Farce/Comedy and ther latest genre, Erotic Literature. These are people who are only watch the movie yet are not able to read the book but there are also people who love to read books due to its popularity or perhaps because of theme of the story.The aim of the study is to find out the effects of the book based movies to the literary appreciation of the students. The researchers used qualitative method to find out the results of the study. Informants were selesctedthrough purposive sampling satisfying the criteria; (1) Should have read and watched the book and movie version of any novel and (2) should be junior high school students categorizes as level 4 of stages of literacy appreciation. The interviews were recorded, transcribed, analyzed and interpreted by the researchers. The researchers came out with three emergent themes namely (1) Informant's insights about book-based movies ; Rendering book-based movies (2) Constracting books and movies and (3) Effects to the literary appreciation. Findings showed that according to the informants , book based movies are good because everything is visually presented; the characters emotion are well-appreciated and the addition of sounds effects beautifies the movies. However, some parts from the bookj were omitted snd it was made differently. In terms of constracting books and movies, the books are detailed; it lets the reader use their imaginative skills; there will be differ understanding of the story and it is directly from the mind of the author, with book based movies, the students are gaining interest on literature,they are improving their vocabulary skills. they relate themselves to the story of the character, they were inspired to write their own stories and some of their skills. like their mental skill are being enhanced. Therefore, the students have positive and negative remarks about book based movies; they constracted the two by giving the details about the two and there are skill being enhanced by being exposed with book based movies. Finally, the filmakers should not make the movie version too different fron the original as a respect for the authors of the books. For the movie fans and book readers, they should not expect so much from both version since they were made with different mediums. For english teachers, the used of book-based movies in class discussion will help the students to be more engaged in literature and lastly, for the students , it is better to read the book version first before watching the movie is fully understand the story and also a courtesy to the writer of the book.
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