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Series of Illustrations 
Series of illustrations are commonly used as a teaching instrument by the teachers. It shows a sequence of events or details that help the audience to understand the theme or thought of each picture. Furthermore, students are more interested to study if there is illustration or pictureshown to help them comprehend the ideas, On the other side, writing is another way of expressing emotions, feelings or ideas of oneself to others through poems, stones and essays. Also, writing is a skill that needs to be enhanced and learned by students. This research therefore aimed to determine the effectiveness of presenting series of illustrations to enhance the writing skills of the Grade 5 learners of DYCI.This study focused only on the Grade V learners of DYCI for a one year period including research planning and implementation. This study is a quantitative research using a pure-experimental design. There were 2 groups: the experimental and control. The experimental group received the intervention i.e. using series of illustrations in writing an essay while the other group did not. The part6icipants were 60 students who were randomly picked out from two Grade 5 sections represented by thirty students per group. In order to measure the writing skills of the learners, the researchers adapted the writing rubric of Prentice Hall (2000) was validated by the research experts. The researchers used mean score, percentage and z-test to statistically analyze the result of the essay rubrics of the participants from the control and experimental group. Afterwards, the data gathered were interpreted and discussed.And based on the result of the analysis on the level of performance of the control group only 13.33% of the participants got the Accomplished level and the remaining 86.67 % were at the Developing level. On the other hand, the 13.33%of the participants from the experimental group had a level of performance at the Exemplary level and 86.67% of the participants got Accomplished level. As to the significant difference if it did exist, the revealed computed value of Z-test was 10.34 against the 1.96 is the Z-critical value with Alpha-value of <0.05 which tells that there was significant difference between the writing skills of the control and experimental group.The Alpha-value was <0.05 which indicates that by convention, there was less than 5% chance of getting the observed differences by chance, the researchers rejected the null hypothesis and it can therefore answer the third question wherein the researchers found a statistically significant difference between the two groups.
In terms of performance (writing skills) level, the learners in the experimental group achieved higher score in writing essay than the participants in the control group. The researchers concluded that the participants of the experimental group performed better than the other group and the writing skills of the Grade V learners were higher. Therefore, the presentation of series of illustrations is effective in enhancing the writing skills of the DYCI Grade V learners. In addition, the researchers recommend to the future researchers to conduct researches with a larger number of participants in a longer period of time to observe and conduct a lot of tests about the writing ability of the students. Moreover, the school must adapt this method in order for their teachers to enhance the writing skills of their Grade V Learners. 
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