Results for "A"

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  Title Copies
Alternative pathways to Qualification (AP2Q) Exam Evaluator Using Optical Mark Recognition 
Call No: T Al466 2019 
Assessment of the One Week on- the -Job Training Among DYCI BSMARE and BSMT and it's Implications  
Year: 2008 
Call No: T Al21 2008 
Argana (Fantasy Role-Playing Game) 
Call No: T Ar668 2017 
An Outcomes-Based Education in Machine Shop Courses in Maritime Engineering Department at the DYCI College of Maritime Education 
Year: 2017 
Call No: T Y929 2017 
An exploration of the healing practices of "Tawak" through visual ethnography 
Call No: T D384e 2015 
A multiple case study on parents who lost their child to suicide 
Call No: T D384 2015 
A Feasibility Study Sea Burger 
Year: 2015 
Call No: T B352 2015 
A clinical evaluation on the use of Ampalaya fruits (Momordica Charantia) Extract to control Feather Plucking in caged Birdsg 
Call No: T G84 
Assessment of the management style of chief nurses in selected hospitals in bulacan 
Call No: T As74 2008 
A portrait of life living in a rolling home or "kariton" 
Call No: T F128 2014