A multiple case study on parents who lost their child to suicide

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Suicide is the intentional act of of killing onself and occurs when a person's pains exceeds his or her resources and ability to cope.For the past years,suicide rate all over the world is constatly rising, Philippines included. In 2012 , suicide is the 15th leading cause of death allover the world and around 800,000 people kill themselves every year; second among young people , aged 15 to 29, three times as many men as women. Suicide is recognized as a serious public health problem that goes beyond the numbers of death . With the identified population commonly affected, it is then perceived that there is a more serious underlying phenomenon affecting the parents . Hence the researchers transpire to have an abysmal insight of their circumstances as perceived by parents by probing the neglected and dimly understood experiences that focused on the aftermath of losing a child to suicide. Co -researchers were selected through snowball and purposive sampling satisfying the set criteria:(1) parents,mothers and/or fathers with child who committed suicide for at least a year ago,(2) the offspring who committed suicide aged 15 and above regardless of the method used, and (3) a Filipino citizen currently residing in Bulacan. Conducting semi-structured interviews,the researchers interviewed six co-researchers who were considered to be the cases. After the interviews,innumerable reading and re reading of the transcribed interviews, reviewing and re-listening to the audios and videotapes were done. Explicatory paraphrases were identified and a common structured theme was formed. Bracketing, member checking and content validation were done to establish rigor and trustworthiness of research findings. The research reveals three structured themes that depict the experiences of parents eho lost their child to suicide. These themes include(1) Accentuated Effect which focuses on the intensified and extended grieving process of parents and their crippling emotions of losing a child to suicide, whereas,(2) Clouded Alterations represents the consequences they encounter in terms of different dimensions and dismal modifications in their way of living. Moreover ,(3) Elaborated Acclimization denotes behaviors, thought,and activities neutrilizing the life-long mark that suicide left . Based on the findings, an A,C,E Trajectory Construct depicts the different experiences of parents emerged. It is concluded that parents who lost their child to suicide are enmeshed in the grief process and face unpredictable challenges and consequences in their daily lives. As nurses , it is important to appreciate the need of parents to make sense and meaning of the loss and that help to normalize the many and varied ways the parents can grieve from their child and discover the sense of putting life back together. 
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