Perceived levels of adaptation among female elderly relocated in home care centers in bulacan.

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relocation;elderly;home care center; adaptation
Relocation of elderly in home care centers has been atypical in Filipino culture.Family ties are strong and it is unusual to place a family member in an institution to be cared for by others. Though unusual, these changes do happen and there are many factors to be considered why they do. This study focuses on how elderly adapts in their new situation physically,emotionally,socially,spiritually. The respondents were purposively selected and were assessed based on the questionnaire given. The researchers utilized a structured questionnaire based on Roy's Theory which is composed of Four Adaptive Modes:Physiologic-Physical Mode, Self-Concept Group Identity Mode,Role Function Mode,and Interdependence Mode. The researchers set eligibility criteria in the selection of respondents namely:female elderly,presently residing 9at the home care centers and who are willing to participate. The researchers did a pilot testing and got the reliability of .83 using the Cronbach;s Alpha Coefficient. Consequently, the respondents were asked about their demographic profile in terms in terms of their civil status and number of children. Research hypothesis was tested at 0.05 level of significance. Itg shows that r value is 0.04 which means that it has but low correalation between their number of children and level of adaptation. This implies that the level of adaptation of elderly is not greatly affected by the respondents'number of children .it also shows that the adjusted r value is -0.22 which means that the predictable factor is 22% and 78% can be attributed to other factors that may affect the level of adaptation of the female elderly. The computed t value is -1.8. This indicates that there is no significant relationship between the respondents profile and level of adaptation. Moreover ,the level of female elderly adaptation cannot be attributed to their civil status. This study shows that both single and married respondents are very well adapted with a percentage of 100. the respondents added that they felt positive feelings and less abandonment in the institution where they are relocated. Among the four adaptation modes, Self concept-Group identity Mode got the highest rank with a weighted mean of 3.67 which is interpreted as Very Well Adapted. This implies that they were able to accept both changes in their body image and changes in their activity . Subsequently , both physiologic -physical mode and role-function mode take the 2nd spot,having 3.60 as their weighted mean with corresponding verbal interpretation of Very Well Adapted. Furtthermore, the interdependence got the lowest rank with a weighted mean of 3.22 and interpreted as Well Adapted.Relevantly,this relates to the fact that female elderly has less opportunity to communicate with their family. The researchers therefor , recommend that nurses should include their priorities the provision of comfort and sense of worth among elderly to enhance their interdependence mode.
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