Common errors committed by the student nurse during related learning experiences

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As the learning laboratory for gaining actual patient care experience ,clinical experienced play an essential role in nursing education. With an information technology revolution transforming healthcare ,nursing programs are eager for their students to learn the latest infromatics systems and technologies. However ,many healthcare institutions are struggling to meet their own information technology needs and report limited resources and other as barriers to nursing student training. In addition, nursing students' information technology access and use raise security and privacy concerns. With the goal of a fully electronic health record by 2014, it is imperative that agencies and educational programs collaborate. They need to establish educationally sound,cost-effective ,and secure policies and procedures for managing students use of information technology systems. Strategies for evaluating options,selecting training methods ,and ensuring data security are shared ,along with strategies that may reap clinical ,economic,and educational benefits. Students' information technology use raises numerous issues that the nursing profession must address to participate in healthcare's transformation into the digital age.Improving collaboration between nursing education programs and clinical agencies to produce graduates with information technology competencies is significant priority for the nursing profession. Computing ,informatics,mand information. Literacy skills are considered essential for beginning nurses .however, in two decades of research , most efforts to raise students ' performance (beyond basic levels in the area of computer skills)have been minimally successful. Furthermore , experts in education and informatics cannot agree (on the most effective strategies for teaching elementary computing skills and more sophisticated informatics and information literacy learning)that a large percentage of nursing education takes place in healthcare institutions and community agencies further complicate the problem. Clinical practicum allow students to gain hands on experience in taking care of actual patient ,apply evidence to practices,use the latest informatics system and technology advances,and learn critical thinking skills.however ,little is known regarding the agency IT experience of nursing students and the best method to promote their use of IT to incorporate eveidence -based practice. Experts contend that the basic IT competencies can be acquired in classrooms,learning laboratories,simulation experiences,and online resource.however,to master more advanced skills ,such as using clinical decision support systems ,evaluating evidence for practice application,and teaching patients and families how to search for online resources ,application of learning in actual practice settings is considered desirable . Institutions value developing students competencies but are challenged managing nursing programs'IT needs. Agencies already are under pressure to meet the federal government's mandatefor a fully electronic health record by 2014 . In terms of faculty and students,yearlong,repeated rouns of day,evening,and weekend training and monitoring required.Developing policies and mechanisms to ensure safe technology use,appropriate care documentation,system security, and dat private places significant demands on agency informatics,education and management stsaff.Furthermore ,agencies bear the cost of training and other resources consumed in the process .optimizing learning experiences also taxes nursing programs. Evidence shows that many nursing faculty lack the expertise neccesary to teach IT. The goal of providing clinical rotation in a basic nursing program is to integrate skills and knowledge from the classroom setting into the clinical practice setting . In related learning experienced,nursing students have the ability to learn about the complex health issues of critically ill patients ,practice selected technical skills ,and develop comm 
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