Medical Tourism in the Philippines: Globally Competitive?

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medical torism 
Medical Tourism is the topic chosen by the researchers to create an awareness of its importance. It tackles competitiveness of the Philippines in medical tourism, the advantages and disadvantages and reasons why medical tourism in the country may be a possible option for study and exploration.
The researchers would like to determine the present status of nursing student’s perception on this area of concern to evaluate their understanding about the said topic.
The respondents of the study were selected 100 3d year and 4th year students. Specifically there were 62 3Id year students and 38 4th year students. The results yielded that 67% of the respondents believed that world class physicians contribute to medical tourism; 66% answered that routinary annual accreditation of doctors was very important while 22% of the respondents belonging to 21-24 year-old bracket answered that using mcxiern technologies help in curing any kind of diseases. 
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