The Physical Condition of the Kitchen and its Effect to the Kitchen personnel's Performance in Selected Hotels in Bulacan

Esteban ( Rozelle Marie A. )
Publication Year
48 p.
This research study aims to evaluate the common behavior of liquor drinkers and effects to their family member. The study answer the major problem "how do the common behavior of liquor drinkers in terms of (1.1) Age, (1.2) Gender, (1.3) Religion , (1.4) alcoholic beverages being drink: (2)how does liquor drinkers behavior affects their family relations when they are drunk? (3) How do family members behave or treat its drunker family members?
The respondents are selected through ransom sampling technique and its study made use of descriptive method. The researcher used locally contructed qustionnaire to gathervprimary data from respondents. The research made used of 100 liquors drinkers respondents from Pandi Bulacan , Bocaue Bulacan, Sta. Maria Bulacan, Marilao Bulacan and Malolos Bulacan. The gather data were tabulated, organized and encoded statistically treated. Frequency, percentage and rank were used. The data from the respondents was presented in tabular form and textual form. To test the null hypothesis of the study the chi-square method was used. The alternative hypothesis that " Common behavior of liquors drinkers has significant affects to their family members" is accepted by chi-square value 92.24 which is greater than the criticla value of 31.410.
The study has found out that (1.1) out of (100) loquor drinkers respondent sixty five (65) of them were male in the age bracket of 15-20; (1.2) The study has found out that eighty nine(89) of liquor drinkers were single; (1.3) The study has found that fourty seven percent od the liquor drinkers were prefers to drink beer in different occasions.(2) Seventy six point two percent (76.2%)of the liquor drinkers state that they are treated well and humane by their family members. (3) Thirty six point one percent(36.1 %) of liquors drinkers state that their drinking beahaviors lead to fighting with their family members whey they are drunk. And, terms of common behavior of liquor drinkers that commonly affect their relationship with their family members.Shortenes attention span were got the highest mean rating and rank and neglect of duties got the lowest mean rating and drunk.
On the light of the findings, is its therefor conclude that (1) Alcoholic beverages is more attracted to male drinkers maybe because they have more fun capacity to drink liquor than female. (2) Liquor drinkers were getting younger and younger maybe because of peer pressure from their friends. (3) Alcoholic beverages are more attracted to catholic religion maybe because the other religion were not allowed to drink liquor. (4) In terms of alcoholic beverages beer were mostly consume by more liquor drinkers maybe because of the warm feeling effect and its taste. (5) Alcoholic beverages was one of the main reason why an individual or liquor drinkers usually done something wrong, because its inhibit and control some our some comple mental processes and its makes unpleasant liquor drinkers behavior or attitude happen. (6) Family menbers of the liquor drinkers were understandable to their behaviors even when they drunk maybe because they were immune or used to it.
And lastly it is recommedned that; (1) for the liquor drinkers, they must be responsible for their acts no matter how drunk they are because it is better to be cautious than to be sorry in the end. And if drinking is inevitable liquor drinkers must know where to put what they are drinking. It must come straight to the stomach and not in their head because temptations are hard to resist. (2) For the parents, they should share common values and beliefs to their children because it can potentially strengthen family bonds. And families that believe is a group that they can help an alcoholic family menber have a far greater chance of succeeding in overcoming the stress than a family who is divided in outlook. (3)For the students, alcoholic beverages will mean no harmless unless it is use in irresponsible way. And once you intake liquor you should know your limitations, because anything excess are not good. And as a student you must be the good example of responsible individual. (4) For the administration, they must be the one who conduct a program for the students that can take away them to the bad influence atmosphere and that can lead them to have a better future and career.(5) For all, staying closer together with family members can reduce chances of having unwanted confrontation that should lead to misunderstanding and eventually fighting.
This research study aims to evaluate the common behavior of liquor drinkers and effects to their family member. The study answer the major problem "how do the common behavior of liquor drinkers in terms of (1.1) Age, (1.2) Gender, (1.3) Religion , (1.4) alcoholic beverages being drink: (2)how does liquor drinkers behavior affects their family relations when they are drunk? (3) How do family members behave or treat its drunker family members?
The respondents are selected through ransom sampling technique and its study made use of descriptive method. The researcher used locally contructed qustionnaire to gathervprimary data from respondents. The research made used of 100 liquors drinkers respondents from Pandi Bulacan , Bocaue Bulacan, Sta. Maria Bulacan, Marilao Bulacan and Malolos Bulacan. The gather data were tabulated, organized and encoded statistically treated. Frequency, percentage and rank were used. The data from the respondents was presented in tabular form and textual form. To test the null hypothesis of the study the chi-square method was used. The alternative hypothesis that " Common behavior of liquors drinkers has significant affects to their family members" is accepted by chi-square value 92.24 which is greater than the criticla value of 31.410.
The study has found out that (1.1) out of (100) loquor drinkers respondent sixty five (65) of them were male in the age bracket of 15-20; (1.2) The study has found out that eighty nine(89) of liquor drinkers were single; (1.3) The study has found that fourty seven percent od the liquor drinkers were prefers to drink beer in different occasions.(2) Seventy six point two percent (76.2%)of the liquor drinkers state that they are treated well and humane by their family members. (3) Thirty six point one percent(36.1 %) of liquors drinkers state that their drinking beahaviors lead to fighting with their family members whey they are drunk. And, terms of common behavior of liquor drinkers that commonly affect their relationship with their family members.Shortenes attention span were got the highest mean rating and rank and neglect of duties got the lowest mean rating and drunk.
On the light of the findings, is its therefor conclude that (1) Alcoholic beverages is more attracted to male drinkers maybe because they have more fun capacity to drink liquor than female. (2) Liquor drinkers were getting younger and younger maybe because of peer pressure from their friends. (3) Alcoholic beverages are more attracted to catholic religion maybe because the other religion were not allowed to drink liquor. (4) In terms of alcoholic beverages beer were mostly consume by more liquor drinkers maybe because of the warm feeling effect and its taste. (5) Alcoholic beverages was one of the main reason why an individual or liquor drinkers usually done something wrong, because its inhibit and control some our some comple mental processes and its makes unpleasant liquor drinkers behavior or attitude happen. (6) Family menbers of the liquor drinkers were understandable to their behaviors even when they drunk maybe because they were immune or used to it.
And lastly it is recommedned that; (1) for the liquor drinkers, they must be responsible for their acts no matter how drunk they are because it is better to be cautious than to be sorry in the end. And if drinking is inevitable liquor drinkers must know where to put what they are drinking. It must come straight to the stomach and not in their head because temptations are hard to resist. (2) For the parents, they should share common values and beliefs to their children because it can potentially strengthen family bonds. And families that believe is a group that they can help an alcoholic family menber have a far greater chance of succeeding in overcoming the stress than a family who is divided in outlook. (3)For the students, alcoholic beverages will mean no harmless unless it is use in irresponsible way. And once you intake liquor you should know your limitations, because anything excess are not good. And as a student you must be the good example of responsible individual. (4) For the administration, they must be the one who conduct a program for the students that can take away them to the bad influence atmosphere and that can lead them to have a better future and career.(5) For all, staying closer together with family members can reduce chances of having unwanted confrontation that should lead to misunderstanding and eventually fighting.
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