“Factors affecting insufficiency supply of nurses in government hospitals in Bulacan”

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This study determined the factors affecting insufficiency o nurses in government hospitals in Bulacan. It utilized the descriptive methods of interview questionnaires in survey form. Descriptive method was intended to observe, describe and document aspect of their present situation, as it also served as the basis of the study and application of the theories that the researchers have considered to understand research. This study was also determined the significant of their demographic profile in terms of civil status, age, number of years as a staff nurse to their respective institution, the salary range and their area of assignment.
The respondent profile was into as variables; moreover, this study determined the issues that the government is involved when it comes to nurse’s insufficiency.
The questionnaire was subjected to validation by group experts in the field, pretested at Rogaciano M. Mercado Memorial Hospital and Bulacan Medical Center. 40 nurses were chosen as respondents of the study, respondents answered b5i means of rating the different factors that the researchers identifi. The statistical treatment was used in computing for frequency, percentage, and mean as a statistical tools.
To know the Factors of insufficiency of nurses the researchers used the following formula; the frequency test, weighted mean .The study revealed that the majority of the respondents are young nurses, single and serving the institution for 3 years and their average salary is between 1 1,000php -. 15,000php. It was also found out that majority of the respondents agree that they are not practicing the standard ration among nurse — patient ration because of the low number of nurses in both hospitals. In this study also researcher also found out the main factor that really affect why there is insufficiency of nurse, salary, wherein respondents rate this factor as their top answer in this phenomena.
In line with this, the opportunity to work abroad is always a big factor why nurses do not apply job here in the Philippines researcher suggest that our country must offer more job for nurse, especially in the hospital based in order for us to have more employed nurses. Working environment is another factor that was mentioned by the researcher that also affect the issue regarding insufficiency of nurses, this factor refer to safety, peers and workloads. Researcher recommends that government hospitals must hire more nurses so that every hospital work wouldn’t be that heavy, more nurses are hired there will be equal
• ratio among nurse — patient. Salary received, highest rating among the four factors, will obviously be on top because behind those four factors this is the main concern of everything. The researchers recommend to the govermnent that there must be a increase in salary for each nurses especially that they were all government employee. As full-time employes, nurses are eligible for a variety of benefits that, when broken down into monetary value, can make a substantial difference in salary There must be a benefit to each govermnent employee, indeed they are provided but most of them did not receive them on time, worst not in exact amount. Researcher recommends that as the government less all the benefits in their monthly salary give the also the right to received the right amount when they needed it. There are insufficient budget for government nurse, this refers to the fund that government is given to each public institution, and researcher suggest that there must be a fund that exclusive for government nurses.
The respondent profile was into as variables; moreover, this study determined the issues that the government is involved when it comes to nurse’s insufficiency.
The questionnaire was subjected to validation by group experts in the field, pretested at Rogaciano M. Mercado Memorial Hospital and Bulacan Medical Center. 40 nurses were chosen as respondents of the study, respondents answered b5i means of rating the different factors that the researchers identifi. The statistical treatment was used in computing for frequency, percentage, and mean as a statistical tools.
To know the Factors of insufficiency of nurses the researchers used the following formula; the frequency test, weighted mean .The study revealed that the majority of the respondents are young nurses, single and serving the institution for 3 years and their average salary is between 1 1,000php -. 15,000php. It was also found out that majority of the respondents agree that they are not practicing the standard ration among nurse — patient ration because of the low number of nurses in both hospitals. In this study also researcher also found out the main factor that really affect why there is insufficiency of nurse, salary, wherein respondents rate this factor as their top answer in this phenomena.
In line with this, the opportunity to work abroad is always a big factor why nurses do not apply job here in the Philippines researcher suggest that our country must offer more job for nurse, especially in the hospital based in order for us to have more employed nurses. Working environment is another factor that was mentioned by the researcher that also affect the issue regarding insufficiency of nurses, this factor refer to safety, peers and workloads. Researcher recommends that government hospitals must hire more nurses so that every hospital work wouldn’t be that heavy, more nurses are hired there will be equal
• ratio among nurse — patient. Salary received, highest rating among the four factors, will obviously be on top because behind those four factors this is the main concern of everything. The researchers recommend to the govermnent that there must be a increase in salary for each nurses especially that they were all government employee. As full-time employes, nurses are eligible for a variety of benefits that, when broken down into monetary value, can make a substantial difference in salary There must be a benefit to each govermnent employee, indeed they are provided but most of them did not receive them on time, worst not in exact amount. Researcher recommends that as the government less all the benefits in their monthly salary give the also the right to received the right amount when they needed it. There are insufficient budget for government nurse, this refers to the fund that government is given to each public institution, and researcher suggest that there must be a fund that exclusive for government nurses.
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Library | Accession No | Call No | Copy No | Edition | Location | Availability |
Main | 589 | TA112 2011 | 1 | Yes |